nibbles & nuggets

a technical blog

Guy Langston

topics: code, C#, dotnet, perf, coding challenges.

web: Mastodon, Twitter/X, GitHub

My WatchList 2024 Q4

Topics that I am currently tracking: technical dotnet content, debugging from the console and on linux

Published 2024-Aug-21, revised 48 days ago

Universal Tools - The New Generation
Universal Tools - The New Generation

A new generation of universal tools: unix-like, composable, maintainable, git-aware, cross-platform

Published 2023-Nov-20, revised 85 days ago

On the Shoulders of Giants
On the Shoulders of Giants

I am proud of my career, but these individuals are complete HEROs. This is a deeply person list, and this exercise is my way of saying thank-you by trying to formalise their impact on my life over the years.

Published 2019-Dec-01, revised 113 days ago

nvim/vim links cheatsheet and notes
nvim/vim links cheatsheet and notes

I really enjoy the vim-style editor experiance. vi/vim/nvim/neovim nuggets, mappings, scripts, plugins that I find useful and use on a day-2-day basis. 80% neovim, 10% ideavim, 5% vsvim...

Published 2023-Oct-31, revised 231 days ago

dotnet8 at release
dotnet8 at release

So much purple. 2023-11 net8 release at dotnetconf, c-sharp 12. Rough thoughts, reading links

Published 2023-Nov-17, revised 330 days ago

Nuget - Actual package local path location (after restore)

How do I tell what path msbuild/dotnet tools used to reference a nuget package?

Published 2022-Aug-09, revised 2 yrs, 68 days ago

My WatchList 2022 Q3

Topics that I am currently actively/passively tracking&learning: pwsh, React, Redux, TypeScript, TeamCity

Published 2022-Jul-01, revised 2 yrs, 107 days ago

My WatchList 2022 Q1

Topics that I am currently actively/passively tracking&learning: tiling window managers, unix, CLI/TUI tools, vim, lua, rust, dotnet7

Published 2022-Feb-02, revised 2 yrs, 256 days ago

My WatchList 2021 Q4

Topics that I am currently actively/passively following, or learning.

Published 2021-Oct-21, revised 2 yrs, 256 days ago

Getting Started with Roslyn

Build all the stuff from source. Track the bleading edge.

Published 2021-May-26, revised 2 yrs, 360 days ago

It All Started With Windows PowerToys FancyZones
It All Started With Windows PowerToys FancyZones

It all started with Windows PowerToys FancyZones; and the rabbit hole was like crack-cocaine

Published 2021-Oct-06, revised 2 yrs, 364 days ago

Jetbrains Rider - Coming of Age
Jetbrains Rider - Coming of Age

While I was not looking JetBrains Rider got good, properly good!

Published 2021-Jun-10, revised 3 yrs, 10 days ago

Going Lower [0x01] C# to Binary Code: The Basics
Going Lower [0x01] C# to Binary Code: The Basics

When learning ASM lang, I wanted a visual learning aid to peek neumonic definitions and visualise program flow... this project (OxGoingLower) was the result.

Published 2021-Mar-22, revised 3 yrs, 10 days ago

lang X sucks, use Y instead
lang X sucks, use Y instead

Any content in the form “language/tech X sucks, you
must use Y” – please don’t be that person.

Published 2021-Aug-01, revised 3 yrs, 39 days ago

SokoSolve Update: 2020-12
SokoSolve Update: 2020-12

Covid-lockdown #2 has given me the time and motivation to get SokoSolve into a stable place; enough to write-up the project and possibility make a explanitory video.

Published 2020-Dec-13, revised 3 yrs, 246 days ago

My Bookshelf
My Bookshelf

The books that I am reading and occasionally a mini-review or rating. C#, Perf, dotnet.

Turns out, unsurprisingly, that covid lockdown is a good time to read a lot.

Published 2020-Feb-25, revised 3 yrs, 249 days ago

Coding Challenges / Projects
Coding Challenges / Projects

Doing coding challenges has above all been fun, and long the way I have learned a lot and expanded my programming/languages horizon.

Published 2020-Dec-02, revised 3 yrs, 307 days ago

.NET Performance in 2020
.NET Performance in 2020

It seems like a good time to conduct a census of performance topics in .NET for the new decade.

Published 2020-Mar-15, revised 3 yrs, 310 days ago

Gifts for a Geek
Gifts for a Geek

This is not sponsored. Its just stuff I like and I am a geek. :-)

Published 2020-Dec-07, revised 3 yrs, 310 days ago

What A Great Time To Be A Geek - #WAGTTBAG
What A Great Time To Be A Geek - #WAGTTBAG

What an intoxicating time to be a geek. There is a cornucopia of new ideas and toys to play with. The time for indulgent learning – learning just for the sake of it – is at hand. Rejoice.

Published 2020-Dec-10, revised 3 yrs, 310 days ago

SokoSolve - Sokoban Solver (and game clients)
SokoSolve - Sokoban Solver (and game clients)

I have been intermittently working on Sokoban for years. It is fun to return every couple of years and breath some life back into it.

Sokoban solving is a interesting domain with very simple rules but with a search complexity comparible to Chess.

Published 2020-Jan-01, revised 3 yrs, 312 days ago

A journey into Retro land
A journey into Retro land

The BBC Micro Model B is special to me as it was one of my first computers. After 25 years, I recently re-purchased one.

My gateway drug was a BBC Micro Model B, a ZX Spectrum and a nameless CPM ten-tonne monster. So as young kid, without knowing what a computer really was, I taught myself. It grew into a life-long passion and has provided me with an education and career. As I grew-up, so did the computer industry; information-technology went from the periphery of society to the pervasive center of modern life.

Published 2019-Nov-17, revised 3 yrs, 317 days ago

Tower of Babel
Tower of Babel

Computer languages designed to mess with your head.

Published 2012-Feb-01, revised 3 yrs, 319 days ago

On the Shoulders of Giants: Anders Hejlsberg
On the Shoulders of Giants: Anders Hejlsberg

What an incredible career! I can safely say that no other person has had as big an impact on my technical life. Turbo Pascal, Delphi, C#, TypeScript. Any other mortal would be content with just ONE of these globally influential languages.

Published 2019-Dec-04, revised 3 yrs, 319 days ago

.NET Process Maximum Memory

The maximum allocatable size of a .NET process depends on the following factors: CPU, OS, 32/64 EXE header, GC

Published 2012-Jan-01, revised 3 yrs, 327 days ago


Draft: dotnet perf

Coming Soon...

Ye Old List of Uncategorized Stuff

Coming Soon...

Terminal Love Fest

Coming Soon...

vim bindings as a common IDE language

Coming Soon...

On the Shoulders of Giants: Hanselmann

Coming Soon...

blogger, podcasts, videos, generally-the-best-tech-demos for dotNet

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