When learning ASM lang, I wanted a visual learning aid to peek neumonic definitions and visualise program flow... this project (OxGoingLower) was the result.

My prototype video -- my first attempt: so much was learned, so much to be improved.

It was a wonderful time of deep dive learning. I found myself getting lost in the process and following my own personal, random learning paths. Now, having taken a break and a step back; it is time to re-factor the work for, hopefully, wider consumption.

The Tool some-clever-name

  • dotnet
  • linux
  • skia skiasharp
  • 1080p target resolution for YouTube
  • capture by OBS

The tool has two main parts:

  • Authoring Content: debug capture & scripting
  • Consumping Content: rendering & navigation

Getting Started: Download and Run a script locally

TODO: Download and run instuctions for video 0x01 script

Capturing a stream of debugging

TODO: Source, Compile, Debug Capture, Scripting